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Eat for Your Life
Foothills Family Care
1032 Luke Street, Suite 1
Fort Collins, CO 80524 ….
Ideal Body Weight
Part of the PSFH Preventable Disease Series
Obesity raises risk of developing hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, and a variety of cancers. Learn ways to atta ….
Part of the PSFH Preventable Disease Series
Doctors focus on diagnosis and treatment of cancer but many lifestyle choices can prevent cancer. Investigate a whole food plant based diet and its impa ….
Part of the PSFH Preventable Disease Series
Blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells and removes waste. Pressure drives the flow but, with hypertension, vascular damage may occur. Learn ab ….
What The Health movie screening
Foothills Family Care
1032 Luke Street, Suite 1
Fort Collins, CO 80524
At least 60 tickets must be sold by April 27th in order to hold the theater for this movie. If you plan to attend, please pu ….
PSFH Class on Ideal Body Weight
Fort Collins Senior Center
1200 Raintree Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526
It’s estimated that 97 million adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Obesity raises the risk of developing hypertensi ….